What is Dodecahedron? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

In geometry a dodecahedron is a body composed of 12 convex faces , 30 edges, 20 vertices.This body is one of the most harmonious and independent of the Platonic solids , as Platon symbolized the universe.To be able to calculate the total of the entire area of ​​a dodecahedron, it is necessary to keep in mind the area of ​​the pentagon, which is obtained through the following formula:

A=(a * P)/2

Where "a" means the measure of the apothem of the pentagon and “p” represents the perimeter of the pentagon .Once the area of ​​the pentagon is calculated, you only need to multiply by 12 (which are the pentagonal faces of the dodecahedron ).

Now, when the dodecahedron has faces with regular pentagons , it is said that the dodecahedron is regular.An example would be the case of the dice used for games role, these represent a regular dodecahedron.Each face is identified with a number:

The number 1 represents the smallest figure and which is opposite, to the face represented by the number 12, which is the largest figure.In fact , if you add both opposite figures, you will get a result of 13.

There are several kinds of dodecahedrons, some of them are:

The blunt dodecahedron: are those that belong to the group of “Archimedes solids” (set of convex polyhedra with faces that are regular polygons of various types.Another feature is that it is convex and has uniform vertices.

The truncated dodecahedron: also belongs to the group of “Archimedes solids”, in order to obtain it, it is necessary to cut each vertex of a dodecahedron.The triaumented dodecahedron: those of this type , belong to the group of "Johnson solids" (strictly convex polyhedron).
