Meaning of UFO (What is it, Concept and Definition)

What is a UFO:

UFO stands for unidentified volatile object , is each of the supposed flying devices in more or more ways less similar to that of an inverted dish and of apparently extraterrestrial origin that seems to have been seen by people.

It is not known exactly the moment when UFO history began, although archeo astronomy indicated that Evidence of the UFO phenomena goes back to antiquity but it was not until 1947 that a sighting occurs when the American civil pilot Kenneth Arnold observed while flying 9 very strange air artifacts near Mount Rainier, in Washington State.

After the above, there are millions of testimonies around the world that claim to see a UFO seen and many of them record their appearances through photographs or videos, creating debates about the probability of life outside planet Earth.

According to the testimonies, UFOs have the following characteristics: Metallic surface with luminosity, high speeds: those observed by Arnold had a speed of approximately 1400 km/h, enjoy various shapes and sizes, for Finally, they have the ability to appear and disappear instantly at a point in space,

On the other hand, UFO or UFO, is the science in charge of studying the UFO phenomenon from of materials collected such as: photographs, videos, testimonials, radar report, among others, to discover the origin of the unknown phenomenon and, if identified, the object loses the UFO classification.
