What is Hawthorne Effect? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]
Within the psychological context the term effect Hawthorne is defined as a way of internal reactivity, by which people who undergo experimental tests pass , this effect begins to manifest once the individuals undergoing studies, present changes in their behavior.These changes in their behavior arise from the fact that they are aware that they are observed.
The work environment is the scenario where people function daily and represents a determining factor of satisfaction and productivity.The psychologist Elton Mayo found important elements that allowed us to understand their own needs of each human being, obtaining for this, the achievement of new ideas, which defined the organizations, as social units, where each person who works in it exercises an important work , being for the ho mbre one of the most significant tasks of his life.
According to this theory, people were considered to be motivated by different factors : economic, psychological and social; assuming that a happy worker is a worker who produces.Reducing with this that if workers are given adequate attention, it is almost certain that this will influence the productivity of the company.
This psychologist, specialist in the theory of organizations and human relations, receives an invitation from the Hawthorne Works factory to be integrated into an investigation that the factory was going to execute, with the object to verify that if the state of the ambient lighting system influenced the increase or decrease in work performance, the interesting thing is that once the changes are initiated, productivity will increase and not only in those moments where the lighting levels were high, but also when they decreased.Once the investigation is finished, the level of labor force productivity, return to its normal values s.These results could be interpreted, stating that the improvement in performance is not due to the corrections made to the lighting in the workplace, but to the motivation felt by employees knowing that they were under study .
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