Meaning of Nymph (What is it, Concept and Definition)

What is Nymph:

As nymph is called the type of deity that, according to Greek mythology , is found in the waters and the forests.Coloquially, the word nymph can also be used to refer to a young woman in whom attributes of beauty and joviality are recognized.Also, it can be used to refer to a woman of free customs, without ties.

On the other hand, in the field of Biology , nymph can refer to a type of bird native to Australia, a type of aquatic plant , or a stage of the metamorphosis of certain insects.

The word, as such, comes from the Latin nympha , and this in turn from the Greek νύμφη (nýmphe).

Nymph in mythology

According to Greek mythology , a nymph is a minor divinity, from the category of demones.Demons they were semi-divine beings whose function was to encourage and animate the nat uraleza.From there the nymphs represent the feminine aspect of fertility.It is described as youthful, beautiful and playful.In spite of their semi-divine nature, they are mortal, although they live long lives.

The nymphs divide in several categories: there are the nayades , which are the nymphs of the sources; the nereidas , of the sea; the orestiades , which are those of the mountains; the meliades , which inhabit the ash trees and the driades or hamadriades , which guard the trees.

Ninfa Dafne

According to classical mythology, the nymph Daphne was turned into a laurel tree because she was fleeing from Apollo, who had fallen in love with her.

Nymph Eco

The nymph Eco is a Oreade, from Mount Helicon, who loved her own voice.The goddess Hera, jealous that Zeus, her husband, had courted Eco, punished her by taking her voice away and forcing her to repeat the last word of the person with whom she spoke.

Nymph Egeria

Egeria is the name of a nymph who was adviser to the Roman king Numa Pompilio.Since then, it is said that the nymph Egeria of someone is one who serves as a counselor, but in a discreet way.

Nymph in Biology

In Biology, as a nymph it is called an intermediate stage, between the larval and the definitive, of the metamorphosis of some insects.It is characterized because the i nsects show a smaller size than the adult, an incomplete development of the wings and are not yet ready to reproduce.Unlike the pupa, the nymph does not lose the capacity of locomotion nor does it necessarily have to remain at rest, well, although its organs they have not yet reached their maximum level of development, it can move on its own.

Nymph in Botanica

In Guatemala and Mexico, nymph is the common name given to the Nenufar plant, that is, an aquatic plant whose leaf, almost round, floats on the surface of the water and has white flowers.

Nymph bird

The nymph, nymph cockatoo, coconut or Carolina is a kind of bird of the families of the cacatuas, typical of the Australian continent.Its scientific name is Nymphicus hollandicus .It is very popular as a pet in many homes in the world.In the wild, it is only given in Australia.Its most colorful feature is that they have an erectile feather crest on their head.
