Leg Definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept
"Perna." This is the Latin word, which means "edible animal thigh", from which the current Castilian leg term derives.
The limbs found in the lower region of the human being are called legs .term is also used more specifically to name the area of these members that is located between the ankle and the knee .
In this sense, at the anatomical level it can be said that The leg is articulated with the foot through the ankle and with the thigh by knee action.Of course, if we consider the concept in its colloquial sense, we will understand the leg as the entire lower limb, from the hip to the sole of the foot.
For example: "Yesterday I walked so many blocks that my legs hurt now" , "I came back from the football game with a strong blow on the leg that prevents me from walking normally ”, “ My grandmother broke a leg when she fell while crossing the street ”.
Considering the leg as the aforementioned region of the lower extremities, it can be said that the perone and the tibia are the bones that form the leg.Among the most important muscles in the region, you can name the extensors , the peroneums and the triceps .
The legs are vital so that people can stand and move.When the legs suffer from a serious disorder, it is likely that the individual is not able to walk and must move in wheelchair .
Various are the physical problems that can be suffered in this limb, the most common being the following:-Tired legs.It is a disease that affects a large number of adults and is identified because they feel from swelling of the legs until a sensation of heaviness going through muscle cramps or even tingling.It is a pathology of vascular type and has among its causes both sedentary lifestyle and obesity or pregnancy.-Restless legs.This is a syndrome of nervous type that leads to the person who suffers from it has an uncontrollable urge to walk and get up from the sofa or the bed where it is.At the moment, it has not been possible to find a concrete cause of this problem, however, it has been found that it is related with other diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's or renal-type pathologies.
There are also different curiosities related to the legs such as these:-The woman with the longest legs in the world is the Russian Svetlana Pankratova, since she is 1.98 meters tall and her legs are 1.34 meters long.-There are numerous celebrities who have not hesitated to secure their legs.This would be the case, for example, of singer Taylor Swift.This has them insured in neither more nor less than 40 million dollars.
In Argentina , on the other hand, the figure is known as a leg that is armed in the poker when three cards of identical value are arranged.
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