Traffic definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept
Traffic is a concept that has its origin in an Italian word and refers to the transit or displacement of means of transport, beings humans or objects by some kind of path or via.The concept of traffic can mention both the action of the movement and the consequences of such circulation .
For example: "The government promised to strengthen the fight against drug trafficking" , "Traffic is hellish: I've been stopped for almost an hour because of the number of cars there are on the road ”, “ According to local newspapers, the traffic of goods between this country and China increased by 26% in the last year ”.
Typically, the notion of trafficking is not used in the field of legal commerce , but is restricted to illegal activities .This is why drug trafficking is often talked aboutor traffic of weapons , but not of soybean traffic or traffic of electronic products, to name two types of merchandise.
In the same way, we cannot forget what is known as influence peddling.We have to expose that it is a practice considered illegal that consists in using the influence of people, whether at political or business level, to get any kind of favor or preferential treatments.
In many countries of the world this type of action is punishable, which can be used, for example, to climb within a company or even to obtain a public tender.
Another frequent use of traffic refers to the circulation of cars, motorcycles and the rest of the vehicles on the streets of a city.When it is said that the traffic is intense , reference is being made to the fact that there are many vehicles on the street and, therefore, it is difficult to move forward and move.
In order to ensure that this circulation of vehicles is as fluid as possible, it is usual that, in addition to traffic lights and other road signs, there are the services of the so-called traffic guards.These are agents that have as a clear regular objective, in the most appropriate way possible, the transit of cars, trucks or all types of mopeds on urban roads or on roads.
However, we cannot ignore that in special cases, and in order to reduce the risk of accidents, these professionals of the State security forces proceed to carry out traffic controls.Specifically, we have to say that it is of controls through which they conduct alcohol and other drug tests on drivers.
In the event that said drivers test positive in any of the toxicological tests they will be imposed an economic fine, they will be removed from the vehicle momentarily and even, in certain cases, to bring them before the judge.
The web traffic , finally, is linked to the data that users send and receive from a Internet site.According to the number of visitors and the pages to which they enter, you can calculate the web traffic.
Mobile Internet services, for example, are among the few that still have a traffic limit, since this barrier seemed to cease to exist once broadband reached the market; until then, since the connection to the Network was based on the use of the telephone line, users had to pay for every minute of navigation.On the other hand, satellite Internet services, mainly used by people living in rural areas, they also impose a limit of use and are sold in packages per gigabytes.
In general, companies offering Internet services with traffic limits sanction excess consumption with a drastic decrease in speed, leaving it at a few Kb (Kilobytes) per second, which is absolutely useless in an era in which an average page usually weighs about 1MB and a standard quality video of only one minute, about 10MB, however, some companies give their customers the possibility of extending the monthly limit through the acquisition of more gigas.
In the case of a web hosting service provider (known in English as web hosting ), there is talk of limited or unlimited traffic according to the characteristics of each plan, and choosing the right one for each one requires a thorough analysis of the product (in this case, the website you want to publish), taking It takes into account many variables, among which are the periodicity with which its content will be updated and the type of audience to which it is addressed.
There are several tricks to make the most of Internet traffic in cases of narrow limits.For PC users, one of them is to download and activate an extension for the browser that requests the mobile versions of the sites, the which necessarily weigh less than desktops; This results in considerable savings in megabytes, as it also affects the size of YouTube videos and other services.
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