Definition of action - What is it, Meaning and Concept

The first thing that should be done is to determine the etymological origin of the term acting that we are going to analyze in depth below.We must clearly underline that the word comes from Latin, more exactly from the verb act , which in turn emanates from a previous one: agere , which can be translated as "doing".

Acting is the action and effect of act (put into action, assimilate, exercise functions, act or produce an effect).The term is often used to name the staging performed by a actor (a person who plays a role in either the theater , the cinema , the television or other media).

The performance begins with a personal search of the actor to know and understand his character , which can be fictional or based on reality.It should be noted that, anyway, the character will never be the real person.

The actor is responsible for personifying and giving life to the character , staging what he thinks is his essence.The performance includes a physical characterization (achieved thanks to costumes, makeup, wigs, visual effects and other tools).The objective of the actor is to be credible and credible, making the viewer can enter the story and suspend the notion of reality.

For example: "The performance of Marlon Brando in The Godfather is one of the most brilliant in the history of cinema" , "I was surprised by the performance of Guillermo Francella in his last movie ", " The model told reporters that her dream is to engage in acting ".

Many are the film actors who have managed to go down in history as authentic references precisely because of their performances in some of their films.This would be the case, for example, of Humphrey Bogart who managed to dazzle everyone with his role in the Mythical movie "Casablanca".

Nor should we forget Morgan Freeman in "Life imprisonment", Jack Lemmon in "The apartment", Tom Hanks in "Forrest Gump" or Robert de Niro in "Taxi Driver".

In the female case we also find actresses who have gone down in history for their great performances in the cinema: Kate Winstlet in "Titanic", Bette Davis in "Eva to the nude" or Greta Garbo in "Ninotchka".

However, we must not overlook the fact that acting is a word that is also widely used in the musical field.Yes, in this it is often said that a singer has had a performance in a specific city or that a group has closed its agenda of actions by the country.

In order to better understand that meaning, we could use the following example: “The Spanish singer Malu performed a masterful performance at the Sports Palace in Madrid that managed to dazzle all attendees.”

Acting can also refer to the exercise of functions .A public official must act (act) in a certain way to fulfill his obligations: "The judge's performance was disapproved by the families of the victims" , "We need a more committed performance by the deputies" .

In colloquial language, finally, acting is associated with a lie : “My son told me that his stomach hurts and that he didn't want to go to school, but I I didn't believe in his performance ”.
