Definition of preservation - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Preservation is a term related to the verb preserve , whose etymology takes us to the Latin praeservāre .of preserving consists of taking care of, protecting or defending something in advance , with the aim of avoiding possible damage or deterioration.

The preservation , so therefore, it can be developed in various fields and in different ways to preserve the qualities or integrity of things.There are, for example, several rules and laws of preservation that seek to protect natural attractions and historic buildings.

When what is sought is to take care of a park, a mountain, a river or any other natural area, the preservation is aimed at avoiding the contaminating activities that damage the ecosystem .Thus, a preservation law may prohibit the development of mining activity in a mountain or camping or camps in a forest.It is necessary to establish that there are many measures and actions that can be carried out and carried out to achieve the preservation of the environment.Among them we can highlight the following: • Decrease energy expenditure, since it represents a significant reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide that are released into the atmosphere.• Bet on the promotion and use of called renewable energies, which are clean and do not pollute while they are inexhaustible • Promote the recovery and restoration of wildlife habitats • Increase the bells and programs dedicated to what would be e l Recycling • Take action to have both air and acoustic pollution under control • Use products that are respectful of the natural environment.

If the purpose is to take care of a construction of historical value, Preservation rules are usually aimed at preventing its demolition and structural changes.They also seek to prohibit owners and/or visitors from developing activities that may jeopardize the characteristics of the building .

Works of art are also subject to preservation efforts, so it is common that a 16th-century painting cannot be touched to prevent the pigments of paint from deteriorating, or that the film's tape undergoes a special process to extend its life.

We cannot forget that there is also what is known as digital preservation.With that term, what is intended is to refer to the set of actions and measures that must be carried out with the clear objective of being able to guarantee that a series of information digital, contained in computer devices or media of that type, can be preserved correctly.But not only that, but also that, despite the changes that occur in the sector, it can be used when deemed appropriate without problems.

Among the most important techniques and methods that exist in the field of digital preservation we would have to highlight, without any doubts, the migration, the making of backup copies, the refreshment or the so-called metadata.

The idea of ​​preserving, finally, can be applied to people to refer to their care or protection : “No I told you nothing to preserve you and avoid you a dislike ", " The preservation of health is essential if you want to have an extended life ".
