What is Cunicola? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

Cunicula or cuniculture is called the massive rabbit farming , as one of the many areas of livestock production.It is the exploitation of smaller animal communities, in order to take advantage of all benefits that the body can provide, such as its flesh, fur and limbs (in this case, according to superstitious communities, rabbit feet are considered objects of good luck).However, it should be mentioned that not the entire population of rabbits is destined for this, since some are raised and trained to be domestic or company animals.

In recent years, due to the significant economic gains that the sector can provide, there has been an increase in the presence of cunicolas farms , where animals are given the necessary amount of food, in addition to the necessary vitamins so that it can acquire a large size.The favorite species of Breeders is the Oryctolagus cuniculus , commonly known as the common rabbit.To accelerate the processes, in some occasions, it is possible to resort to the use of certain chemicals, in order to make the growth of the animal much faster, in addition to providing an unnatural size for the species.

Rabbits, in accordance with the Union Conservation International of Nature, the rabbit is one of the most outstanding exotic species, but harmful to nature itself , due to its constant habit of digging holes in the soil , characteristic that It is quite remarkable when they are in state wild and that influenced the inclusion of these in the list.
