Definition of vector subtraction
Vector is a notion that has several uses.It may be the agent that is responsible for moving something from one place to another; of a projection with intensity and characteristics that vary; of a magnitude that has an application point, a direction and a direction; or of the organism capable of transmitting certain diseases.
That is to say, a vector is a tool that gives the opportunity to undertake the representation of vector quantities, of which not only they need a sense but also of an address and also a specific amount.
The notion of subtraction of vectors is used in the mathematics .In this case, the vector is a magnitude that is plotted as a segment that has its origin in a point A and is oriented towards its end (the point B ).The vector, therefore, is a segment AB .
Subtraction of vectors is an operation that is carried out with two of these segments .To perform the subtraction of two vectors, what is done is to take a rector and add its opposite .
Suppose we want to perform the following subtraction: AB-DE , being AB (-3, 4) and DE (5,-2) according to the position of the vectors in the Cartesian plane .Taking into account what was said about the sum of the opposite, we should consider the operation in this way:
(-3, 4)-(5,-2) (-3-5, 4 + 2) (-8, 6) As you can see, at -3 we add the opposite of 5 (that is, -5 ), while to 4 we add the opposite of -2 (that is, 2 ).Yes, the result of this vector subtraction is (-8, 6) .
If, on the other hand, we had added the vectors, the operation was simpler since it was enough to add the components:
(-3, 4) + (5,-2) (-3 + 5, 4-2) (2, 2)
It is considered that adding vectors is much less complicated than proceeding to subtract them, and to undertake the first operation, the only thing to do is put the beginning of the second after what is the end of the first, the beginning of the third from what is the end of the second and so on, until making use of each and every one of the vectors with which you want to operate.
Other important aspects to take into account about the vectors and the operations that can be undertaken with them are the following:-Summar, subtract and multiply are the operations that can be performed with them.-When proceeding to the sum or the subtraction of the vectors what is achieved is to obtain another vector and this can be achieved by different types of procedures, numerical or geometric.-The subtraction can be carried out through the given Cartesian coordinates of the vectors, both in the space as in what would be the plane.-You can combine the sums and subtractions of the vectors in space.-The opposite of any vector always has the same measure as this but is in the opposite direction.
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