Definition of ultracavitation - What it is, Meaning and Concept

ultracavitation is called a technique that is used for the purpose of eliminating body fat .The method is part of treatments Aesthetics aimed at modifying the appearance of the legs, abdomen and other regions of the body.

Ultracavitation is the use of ultrasound to break the adipocytes (fat cells).This action ensures that fatty acids are released in the blood, running through the body through arteries and veins.These substances are finally eliminated from the body by through the urine .

Due to these characteristics, ultracavitation involves several risks to health .It is essential that the patient has an optimal functioning of the kidneys and the liver for fat release to be effective.Those who have diabetes or have a high level of cholesterol should not undergo ultracavitation due to this release of acids fatty in the body.

Pregnant , meanwhile, have to avoid ultracavitation since ultrasound can cause damage to the baby that is being pregnant. women that are in the period of breastfeeding should not appeal to this technique because fatty acids that are released in the blood can reach the child through breast milk.

The people who enjoy a good state of health and who do not enter the groups mentioned above also have to take precautions.It is important that they drink large amounts of water before and after the session of ultracavitation to achieve the elimination of waste through urine.

The specialists recommend that, before undergoing ultracavitation, the interested party should consult his trusted doctor to indicate that previous studies should be carried out to minimize risks.Nutritionists, by on the other hand, they warn that ultracavitation can only work in the short term and for a short time, since it does not attack the causes that cause excessive fat accumulation and overweight .

Applying ultracavitation does not lead to major complications and, on the other hand, the risks are not many.All this makes it an attractive procedure for many people.In addition, the benefits it offers are many, especially for those who have not dedicated enough time and effort to exercise their bodies and suddenly find certain areas of fat difficult to eliminate.

Let's see below some of the benefits of ultracavitation:

* can help reduce cellulite up to 80%; * patients can choose which areas to treat, and this is one of the points that make ultracavitation so attractive against other techniques; * manages to reduce orange peel, a condition that affects many people and prevents them from enjoying their body; * helps reaffirm the tissue , something very tempting for patients of a certain age; * changes can be noticed from the first session; * the treatment area remains free of grease; * The application of ultracavitation is absolutely painless; * does not cause significant side effects.

Taking up the issue of risks, ultracavitation is quite safe but that does not mean that we should not take precautions.In previous paragraphs some of the most common indications are mentioned, and the most important is to address to a specialist to know if the treatment is suitable for our body.On the other hand, it is not advisable to conduct more than one session a week, nor to subject the affected areas to more than 20 minutes of ultrasonic waves.

Since science has its limits and that each patient has different physical characteristics, it is recommended to supplement ultracavitation with a healthy diet and a good dose of exercise a week, always remembering keep the body hydrated .
