What is DOFA Matrix? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]
The DOFA matrix or SWOT matrix is a planning method that should be applied by every open business owner, since it allows to have the clear approaches of which they are the good and bad aspects of your new business, thus allowing you to find solutions for your negative aspects , thus achieving the progressive improvement of the business.
Fulfilling your mission getting closer and closer to the vision proposed by the entrepreneur, not only can it be used in the planning phase before the opening of the new business, it is also used as a control tool when the business It has been running for some time and presents some failures that have not been clearly identified, being the key to success for any company.
According to its acronym the matrix DOFA allows defining internal aspects and external that favor or inhibit the proper functioning of the company, l The matrix is broken down as follows: (D) weaknesses: refers to internal aspects that in some way or another do not allow business growth or that slow down the fulfillment of the objectives set; (O) opportunities : refers to the events or characteristics external to the business that can be used in favor of the entrepreneur to guarantee the growth of your company; (F) Strengths : are the internal characteristics of the business that allow it to be promoted and to meet the goals set and finally (A) Threats : these are the external events of the business, most of the time uncontrollable by the owner and staff of the company analyzed.
Example of a dofa matrix: Business "Manuela y Asociados CA"; Sale of spare parts for cars of different brands, with location close to several dealers and with a schedule of attention to the public from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm, with a staff comprised between a seller, a cashier and a bedel, highlighting that said business makes a sale of 200 to 250 daily articles .
The analysis of the dofa matrix would be, Weaknesses : It has little staff for the daily demand , and a reduced work schedule to cover the possible sales that can be executed in one day. Opportunities : it is located near brand dealerships that they own for sale. Strengths : they own all the items needed by the public. Threats : Around them there are several spare houses with sales of them spare parts and some with lower prices.
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