Concept of convenience - Definition

Originated in the Latin term “convenientia”, integrated by the union prefix “with”, by the verb “venire” in the sense of “coming”, and by the quality suffix “ia”, convenience is the quality of being useful, helpful and adequate.

It can be applied in several contexts:

It can be seen as an opportunity: "The convenience of weather conditions was seen by travelers as an opportunity to leave" or "We took advantage of Monday as a day of our convenience because we did not work to make the trip", or take advantage of a situation or person, for personal gain: "You do everything at your convenience, you never think of others" or "You are my friend for convenience, you only look for me when you need me." Can be used in civil navigation, to designate the national flag flying a ship, whose owner has only an accidental relationship with the State that that flag represents, to obtain tax benefits and reduce its operating costs.

Convenience stores are those small commercial establishments that They are open in a very wide time range, and do not close for vacations.They are also called “24-hour shops.” Their merchandise is varied, including food, sweets, perfume Ria, bookstore, toys, without each item being too stocked.In general they are in the center of the cities, or in bus stations, trains, airports or service stations.Sometimes they specialize in some specific products, and The rest have the basics, but they help cover the need of those who need to buy a product urgently when the rest of the commercial establishments were closed, for example: “My baby missed the pacifier at night, and could not sleep without it.Luckily I found a convenience store and I was able to buy a new one, so we could all sleep that night.”Their prices tend to be higher than in other stores that do normal hours.

Marriages of convenience occur when one or both spouses contract liaison not for love but for other reasons, such as money, social status, or acquiring through that marriage, the nationality of the spouse.In the latter case Sometimes, there is agreement between the couple and the marriage is not consummated, and is only used as a legal trap.
