Meaning of Scientific Knowledge (What is it, Concept and Definition)

What is Scientific Knowledge:

As scientific knowledge is called the ordered, proven and systematized set of knowledge obtained in a methodical and systematic way from the study, observation, experimentation and analysis of phenomena or facts , for which it uses a series of rigorous procedures that provide the data and conclusions obtained of validity, objectivity and universality.

As such, scientific knowledge is ordered, coherent, precise, objective and universal.It is structured as a verifiable and interrelated system of knowledge that allows us to understand and explain the reality and phenomena of nature .

As such, scientific knowledge uses the scientific method, which is a set of rules and procedures by which a scientist must be governed to carry out a study or research whose results have scientific validity.

Characteristics of the cone scientific foundation

Scientific knowledge is characterized, mainly, by being a critical and informed knowledge, which proceeds in a methodical and systematic way; its conclusions are verifiable; the knowledge that it throws is unified, orderly, universal, objective, communicable, rational and provisional, which, in short, allows to explain and predict facts or phenomena through laws or principles.

  • Critical : because it distinguishes between true and false, true and debatable.
  • Grounded : because it bases its knowledge on evidence and data obtained through methodical and rigorous analysis.
  • Methodic : because it uses research methods and certain procedures that provide rigorous study, observation and analysis.
  • Verifiable : because it can be verified through experience.
  • Systematic : because it constitutes a system of interrelated and interconnected ideas.
  • Unified : because its purpose is general and not singular knowledge.
  • Universal : because its validity is the same for everyone, there is no place for cultural relativity.
  • Objective : because the findings have a general value and not individual or subjective.
  • Communicable : because it can be communicated through scientific language.
  • Rational : because intelligence and human reason are fundamental in it.
  • Provisional : because today's finding can be refuted tomorrow through another more precise theory.
  • Explanatory : because it explains the facts and phenomena of reality and nature through laws or principles that are common and constant.

See also:

Objectives of scientific knowledge

Scientific knowledge is characterized, too, for pursuing a series of objectives based on their nature, among which we can mention.

  • Understand and explain with objectivity, rigor and precision the reason for things.
  • Discover the relationships c on the phenomena.
  • Establish the laws and principles that these phenomena obey.
  • Understand the processes or laws that govern nature.
  • Establish conclusions of universal validity.
Scientific review by Ana Zita

Doctor in Biochemistry from the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC), with a degree in Bioanalysis from the Central University of Venezuela.
