What is linux? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

Linux is a free software operating system (not owned by any person or company) , therefore it is not necessary to buy a license to install it and use it on a computer.It is a Multitasking system, multi-user, compatible with UNIX, and provides a command interface and a graphical interface, which makes it a very attractive system with great future perspectives.

Being software free, the source code is accessible so that any user can study and modify it. The Linux license does not restrict the right of sale, so various commercial software companies distribute versions of Linux., This system has many distributions and window managers for the graphic environment.

The Linux operating system was developed by Linus Torvalds , and is based in the Minix system which in turn is based In the Unix system, Torvalds was adding tools and utilities, making it operational. As of the first version of Linux, the system has been modified by thousands of programmers worldwide, under the coordination from its creator.

The name of Linux comes from the name of its author Linus and the UNIX operating system, but its real name is GNU/Linux , since the system is distributed under the GNU GPL (General Public License).

The Linux structure is based on a hybrid micronucleus that runs the more basic services of the operating system. Kernel is the core of the system; the part that interacts directly with the hardware, managing all its resources, such as memory, microprocessor, peripherals, etc.

In addition, it has a program that isolates the core user, known as Shell or command interpreter , its function is to interpret the commands or applications that the user sends to the system , from a terminal in text mode or from a graphic environment, and translate them into instructions that the operating system understands.

Depending on its version this operating system is used in supercomputers and servers as personal computers.The different variants of Linux are called distributions , among the best known are Red Hat-Fedora, Suse, Debian, Ubuntu, and Mandriva.

Each Linux distribution distributes the kernel through operating system updates. Each version of the nucleus can be distinguished by 3 or 4 numbers separated by dots. The meaning of each number is as follows:

1.Version of the nucleus; It varies if there is a large modification in the core code.2.Main revision of the core.3.Minor revision, such as the inclusion of new drivers or some new features.4.Corrections of errors or security failures within the same revision.

Linux has made great progress in recent years, adding improvements in graphical user interfaces, and in the recognition and use of hardware resources. Little by little, Windows and Unix are gaining ground.It has become the favorite of expert computer and business users (companies like IBM or Hewlett-Packard) who consider it a robust and low-cost alternative compared to other operating systems ; and provide the corresponding technical support, usually as part of the server systems.


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