What is Praetorian Law? »Its Definition and Meaning

Praetorian law or in Latin ius praetorium was the right created by the Roman magistrate through his precepts .That is to say that these edicts of private law were developed in ancient Rome by the praetors of that Then, the Compendium notes that the praetors could confirm, complement or support civil law, that is, the fundamental Roman law based on statutory law.Due to the inherent formalism, civil law was not able to adapt to the rapid development of relations economics of a slave society, and therefore, at the end of the Republican era, Praetorian law had essentially become an independent judicial system.
When a praetor assumed the presidency issued an edict special (edictum tralaticium) to provide more protection for private property owners.The edict referring to the introduction of new lawsuits and other procedural means than for all purposes, annulled obsolete laws.It remained in effect for a year.In the elaboration of its edict, each new praetor uses the most important legal principles of its predecessors.
The praetors became more active legislators in the middle of the second century BC , after the promulgation of the Lex Aebutia, which gave the right to the praetor that during a court trial, develop mandatory legal instructions for the judges (formulas).Praetorian law significantly reformed such private law institutions as possession, contracts, and inheritance.Property-a Bonitarian special form of Praetorian inheritance-was created on the basis of Praetorian law. After the fall of the republic, the activity The praetor's legislative conflict with the growing power of the emperors .The development of Praetorian law ceased in the second century AD, when jurist Salvio Juliano, at the instructions of Emperor Adrian or, compiled the final text of the Praetorian edict (Edictum perpetuum Hadriani), a codification of Praetorian law.In the fourth and fifth centuries AD, Praetorian law systems and civil law grew close together, becoming a single system.
