Definition of risk landscape

In Greek and Latin, in both languages ​​is where the etymological origin of the term risk panorama that now occupies us lies.And that is how the two main words that compose it demonstrate: • Panorama derives from the sum of two Greek elements: “bread,” which means “everything,” and “orama,” which is synonymous with “sight.” • Risk, for its part, emanates from the Latin verb “resecare,” which can be translated as “cut.or divide.”

The concept of panorama can be used to name the image obtained from a certain place of observation .It can be treated, by therefore, of something physical (what is seen from a tower) or symbolic (what is considered according to an ideological perspective).

Risk , on the other hand, is a notion that is linked to the vulnerability of something or someone to a certain damage .The term is usually associated with the danger , although this refers to how feasible the damage in question is.

The notion of risk landscape , therefore, is used to name an analysis which is done with respect to the fragility or to the most vulnerable conditions of an organization .Such a look can be applied to different aspects or sectors of the entity.

The labor risk panorama is one of the most frequent.This tool allows identifying those conditions that put the integrity of workers at risk (that is, that could cause accidents at work).In this kind of studies, those responsible for a company can take measures that reduce risks, something that is not only important in terms of the health of employees, but also It helps lower company costs (avoid paying compensation).

Specifically, among the main elements that can affect the well-being of the members of a company and that should be included in the relevant risk scenario are the following: • Noise.This can cause workers both anxiety and stress.even, in the most severe cases, deafness • Insufficient lighting.The fact that in the workplace any person does not have the necessary light can bring with them from tearing to visual fatigue through redness of the eyes or headaches..An inappropriate temperature, both by default and by excess, also causes serious damage to workers.Yes, they may suffer dizziness, headaches, colds, sweats...And that also translates into lower work performance.

A risk scenario may warn that the electrical installation of a factory is not safe or that workers must move toxic substances across different sectors of a plant .In this scenario, it would be logical for the company to renew its electrical infrastructure and modify its structure so that toxic substances do not cover a large number of meters.

In order to undertake an accurate and true-to-life risk scenario that serves to be able to take the appropriate measures in any company, it is necessary that you have the following two identity signs: • You must carry out a global analysis of what is the work environment that occurs in that one.• At all times it is essential that the information you have is updated.
