What is Hound? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

A hound is a kind of domestic dog breed, characterized by having an excellent smell , a characteristic that makes it and suitable for hunting, another of its characteristics is its high resistance, an aspect that allows him to deplete the prey, to later corner them.There is no other country that is more efficient with regard to the breeding of hounds than the middle-aged France.

More than hundreds of hounds of hound dogs worked in the parks of France .Some of them had a soft fur and others a little harder.There were also others who were known like "Basset" who had short legs and were ideal for hunters because they could accompany them on foot.For many years the abbots of the monasteries, delivered to the monarch of France, every year, six hounds.These species of hounds were called "de San Humberto" since they came from abbey b Benedictine "San Humberto"

Those belonging to the British aristocracy bought French hounds periodically.Similarly, the French breeders created a huge variety of French Anglo hounds, which were characterized by its efficiency at the time of tracking something.

It is important to note that Germany also made a very valuable contribution when it comes to the raising of hounds.The “Dachshund” breed is a class of very small crawling dogs, but because it has been raised intensively, because of its aggressive character and its ability to get into burrows, it is the most suitable for cataloging with the "Terriers".

The crossing of the teckels with the German hound dogs, gave rise to a special group of hound dogs the dachsbrackes.The breed "Drivers" (dogs of hunting of Sweden) on the other hand, was created from the D achsbrackes from Germany.This country also comes from the best tracking dogs, canines with an excellent ability to track blood for several days.Doberman is another class of hounds that were bred as guard dogs.

By the 19th century, in the center and north of Europe , Finnish, Polish and Swedish breeders created a group of effective hound dogs using breeds from Russia and Europe Central.The Norwegian "Dunker" breed is the successor of the Russian Harlequin dog.Today in day extinguished.

Usually hounds are Tame, with a high olfactory capacity that helps you capture even the smell more subtle, they usually get along with other dogs and children.
