Definition of cabala - What is it, Meaning and Concept

From the Hebrew qabbālāh , the cabala is a stream of mystical and allegorical interpretation of the Old Testament .The concept refers to the set of doctrines which, through esotericism and the fulfillment of certain precepts, intends to reveal the message of God and the world.

The most remote origins of the cabin date back to the Hellenistic diaspora of the 1st century BC , although the current itself developed at the end of the 12th century . Shimon Bar Yojai (who lived between the 1st century and II ) explained in the Zohar that, from the All Supreme ( Ain Sof ), a ray of light broke out that caused the Nothing ( Ain ).This divine emanation ( sefirot ), known as Keter , resulted in nine other sefirot that assume the various aspects through which God self-manifests.

In addition to all this, it should be noted that, in past centuries, the Cabala was not within reach of the entire population.It became a real tabu and only a few were allowed to access to discover, study and understand it.However, from the twentieth century, she has ceased to be hidden and made available to all concerned.

Specifically, when analyzing the aforementioned Cabala, it is necessary to be clear that the same part of two fundamental principles or pillars: the desire to grant and the desire to receive.All this without forgetting other props of great value as would be the vital , breath, uniqueness, spirit and life.

When studying the Cabala, it is essential to know that a series of steps will have to be followed.Specifically, we will have to proceed to read and study the following texts in this order: “The Book of Formation”, “The Zohar ”and also“ The Tree of Life ”.

The modern conception of the cabin indicates that this system was given to the Humanity by God , without any precondition.The cabalistic doctrine holds that the universe works according to principles that, if understood and accepted by the human being, manage to improve life and allow us to reach fullness.

In colloquial language, a cabin is a superstitious calculus , a conjecture or a assumption .The notion is associated with some kind of ritual that a person performs in the hope of having good luck or fulfilling their goals.Entering a place with the right foot, using an amulet or sitting in the same chair to watch a game football are examples of cabins.

In this last sense, we can say that it is common to use the term cabala in a more colloquial language, to refer to the whole set of intrigues or plots that are leading A person with the clear objective of achieving a beneficial purpose for her.An example of this may be the following phrase: "Manuel is making his cabins on Miguel's behavior so he can act and get the love of his girlfriend".
