Definition of cellular level - What it is, Meaning and Concept

The life is organized in different degrees of complexity or hierarchy, known as levels of organization .These structures are studied by the different areas of biology.

The cellular level is called the one composed of the cells .A cell, meanwhile, is the smallest structural and functional unit that can be independently reproduced in a living being.

Cells are usually microscopic.They have a nucleus and a cytoplasm that are wrapped by a membrane .

If we put the different levels of organization in a pyramid, the cellular level would be above the subatomic particles , the atoms and the molecules , which are not considered "alive" .Immediately above would have the tissues .

It can be said that a cell is made up of molecules, which are atom clusters (in turn composed of subatomic particles).Cells, meanwhile, are organized into tissues , which constitute the organs .

From the cellular level, in short, you can go ascending: continuing to increase the complexity of each element, the organs are grouped into systems , which make up the organisms .These organisms can meet in populations , which give rise to the communities .Those communities that are in the same physical environment create an ecosystem .The set of ecosystems, finally, is called biosphere .

It is important to note that the metabolism is developed at the cellular level.This process allows the degradation and synthesis of substances that the body uses or uses in various ways.All living things , from any kingdom, they are made up of cells that fulfill this type of function.
