Meaning of Platelet (What is it, Concept and Definition)

What is Platelet:

Platelets are fragments of blood cells, whose purpose is to form blood clots to close wounds and prevent bleeding .

Platelets are continuously produced by the spinal cord and have a life of eight days in the bloodstream.

Platelet function

From the point of view of their function , platelets respond to the principle of platelet activation .This process is what begins when an injury occurs.

Platelets are designed to intelligently identify the lesions, go to the risk zone and form clots immediately to close the wound.

Platelet insufficiency

There is talk of thrombocytopenia when platelets are insufficient, which may cause the risk of bleeding in different grades.Thrombocytopenia may be caused by dengue hemorrhage, plasma anemia, leukemia, cirrhosis, folate deficiency or vitamin B12 deficiency.

Excess platelets

Instead, we talk about thrombocytosis in the case that platelets are more than necessary, which favors the risk of formation of clots that generate blood blockages.Among the causes for the increase in platelets in the blood can be counted: thrombosis, kidney disorders, viral and bacterial infections, tumors, among others.

But it is also important to note that the intake of certain medications or foods can increase or decrease platelets in the blood.

In the case of medications, non-steroidal analgesics , aspirin, vitamin E and omega 3 are responsible for the decrease in platelets, which is why they are not recommended for people who are going to face surgical processes in close periods or people who suffer from a health disorder, momentary or permanent, Let your levels decrease.
