Geosphere definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept

The solid sector of our planet , which is made up of concentric layers , is called .the internal structure that goes from the terrestrial nucleus to the lithosphere.

The Spanish Royal Academy ( RAE ) accepts both the I finish geosphere (accentuated in the second E ) as geosphere (with tilde in the O ).it can be a serious word or squirrel, according to the chosen form.

The geosphere forms the seabed , thus having submerged parts.It also emerges in the development of the islands and the continents In the broadest sense, three concentric layers are recognized: the core , the mantle and the cortex .

The innermost layer is the nucleus , which is at a very high temperature.The nucleus can be divided into internal nucleus and external nucleus, which are composed of metals as the iron.The intermediate layer is called the mantle, where magma is found.Finally, the outermost layer is the crust.The upper part of the mantle and the crust, on the other hand, form the lithosphere (or lithosphere).

The minerals that form the rocks are the crust component, the surface layer of the geosphere.These minerals determine the properties of the rocks, such as their hardness, their brightness or color.According to their origin, the rocks can be metamorphic (arising from the compression or heating of other rocks), igneas (created by solidification of magma) or sedimentary (appearing by the union of parts of rocks or remains of living things).

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