Hard concept - Definition

The word hard can come from Latin rigescere or rigidus and its meaning is that of strong, robust, thick, fat or vigorous, applied to people or things, in terms of physical structure or matter, in a whole in its parts, if we speak of strong men, but also of strong arms or of a hard look.

It also applies to the character of people when it is unfriendly or friendly, and rather hard and indomitable.It is more typical of the male gender (although not exclusive, there are tough women, for example boxers) and those who inhabit wild places and far from urban areas.It was a typical characteristic of gauchos and Indians, accustomed to hardships and deprivations (the book “Martin Fierro” by Jose Hernandez characterizes the character as a gaucho strong in his attitude and language) although It can also be used in the face of someone angry: "The father spoke very hard to his son or the teacher to his student."

Also to someone who is fast and impetuous this qualification is applied, which It applies especially to vigorous animals: "This horse is very strong" for example.

In climate matters, it is applied to the harsh winters or to the unbearable storms that are very difficult and dangerous.We say “I appreciate the storm” or “the winter this year is very hard.”

It is common to use this word to describe situations of extreme danger, such as when it says: "The hard fight."

In Economy, global or personal crises when they are intense can be called tough.
