Definition of legal fact - What it is, Meaning and Concept

A fact is an event, an event, a work or something that takes shape. Legal , meanwhile, is what fits the law: the whole of the norms that regulate and order human relations and that express an ideal of justice.

From these ideas, it is easy to understand that it is a legal fact .a action that causes a legal effect (that is, a legal consequence ).

A fact, in this context, is an act performed by a human being that, once specified, can no longer cease to be.In the case of a legal fact, that act produces a legal effect determined.There is a rule that states that, before the production of the fact in question, a consequence originates at the legal level.

The effect of a legal fact may consist of the acquisition, the modification or loss of a right .This consequence will depend on the legal system in which the fact is framed.The legal facts are always objectively defined in the rules.

According to its characteristics, the legal fact can be human (it is done voluntarily) or natural (it is done involuntarily).It can also be classified as negative or positive because of its content, or as simple or complex according to its composition.

The birth and death of a person, for example, are legal facts, just like the writing of a will or the signing of a contract .As you can see, all these acts have a legal consequence, beyond the different characteristics of each one.
