What is erectile dysfunction? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

The Erectile Dysfunction is a sexual problem that attacks men when they reach an average age of maturity , usually among 40 and 60 years begin to suffer from this condition.Erectile dysfunction is about the inability of man to get an erection of his penis through sexual intercourse.This problem, according to the data offered by the WHO (World Health Organization) represents a significant rate with gradual growth since the last 20 years, just when it began to be studied as a disease and subsequently evolved in the treatment of this condition.Erectile dysfunction has marked the beginning of a new era, because before it was treated, it was a social tabu, with the arrival of the famous Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) the number of consultations with urologists and subject matter specialists was increasing.

The reasons why I gave it Erectile function appears to be quite a lot, however, all are oriented and justified by the patient's age, however they are divided into two large groups which must be analyzed and studied with similar treatments but from two different points of view.

Physical problems are mainly associated with conditions of the brain, poor responses or nerve signals that prevent the cavernous body of the penis from filling with blood, also people with diabetes they tend to suffer from erectile dysfunction and many more diseases lead to suffering from this evil.On the other hand, the psychological problems associated with stress , anguish, external problems, fears, phobias , psychological disorders, lack of communication with the couple, are relevant variables, that more than with a treatment of pills and injections should be treated in psychological therapies, usually as a couple.

E The treatment, thanks to the different studies on the subject, have obtained successful results, as is the case of Viagra, it is a synthetic compound that achieves a muscle relaxation around the penis which allows a favorable erection.As this brand many more Laboratories have focused on the task of treating erectile dysfunction, which has represented an important range of medications that contribute to the solution of this sexual health problem.


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