What is exhibition? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

In general terms, the exhibition refers to the action of the verb exhibit, which refers to the public show or exhibition of something .Anything can be displayed Even a person can “show off” to an audience.Its purpose is to entertain a group of individuals.

In this sense, the exhibition p can be of some skill, ability or ability , capable of catching people's attention, being used mainly by artists and athletes.

There are different uses of the exhibition , keeping all the sense of its meaning, which is the sample and/or exhibition of something, what varies is the motivation of those who attend the exhibition, which depends on the interests of each person, is say, based on what will be exhibited, if the person is interested, you will be motivated to attend or observe the exhibition.

P For art, the exhibition is of vital importance, because thanks to it they can show the world their works and creations , for the recognition of the masses and even the desire to acquire the piece, through its purchase.This type of exhibition is commonly observed in squares, galleries or museums.

Also, the world of the show also depends on the exhibition , who get the role of celebrities for society, reach and maintain it thanks to the exhibition of their talent and image constantly, for the recognition, enjoyment and admiration of their audience.

On the other hand, there is the sports exhibition, which refers to an event where there is a confrontation in teams or athletes (in case of individual sports), but without a competitive weight , only for the purpose of entertaining the public and showing the qualities of athletes against inver Zionists.This type of encounter, they are known as exhibition or friendly.

Exhibitions have also been created that deal with animals, there are exhibits of cattle , of horses and even canines, which pursue different purposes.And so, there are other types of exhibitions.

Finally, the exhibition shows what is known as exhibitionism, which refers to the behavior of those individuals who like to expose themselves to others and those who do so for sexual reasons, capable of showing their genitals in public, without modesty or any shame.
