What is caravan? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

The word caravan has different definitions, one of them expresses that a caravan is a group of people who gather to take a trip to the same direction on foot or in vehicles, through solitary areas and dangerous, to be cautious and help in case of any inconvenience.

This word of Persian origin, appeared in Europe with the crossed , alluding to herbivorous animals lined up; later was extended to any row in general , always following a lider.

In the Middle East, for commercial and religious reasons, caravans of merchants and pilgrims, they left from Cairo and Damascus.Those who usually made these caravans were the Bedouins who inhabited desert areas such as Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.and had to make long trips in inhospitable areas using as vehicles the camellos.

Caravan is also the name of a type of vehicle , which is characterized by having internal furniture and everything necessary to live in the caravan or trailer vehicles as it is also known, can not move by themselves, since they have to be towed by another car.The truth is that the caravan is used as provisional housing when a trip is made.

For its part there are also the motorhomes , popularly known as home engine, which is a car that has an engine and is commonly used in film productions, so that the actors get ready, that is to say they make up and review the librettos.
