Definition of crest - What it is, Meaning and Concept

With etymological origin in the Latin crista , the term crest can allude to different questions, if the red fleshy element is called found in the head of the rooster and other birds.

The crest, in this sense, is a caruncula which reaches its maximum development with sexual maturity.Its turgidity and its hue are linked to the action of sex hormones, causing the characteristics of the crest to change according to the time.

Crest is also called the tuft or plume of feathers found at the top of the head of certain species of cacatuas, penguins, cardinals, pigeons and cranes.

Within the field of science we have to establish that it is also known as a rooster's crest to a plant.Specifically, it becomes a flower that turns out to be especially curious because its petals are distributed in such a way that they remember precisely the crest of that mentioned bird, hence its name.

Its scientific name is celosia argentea var cristata, it is native to Africa and Asia.In the same way, we cannot ignore that its flowers can be red, yellow, orange or even pink.

The nerves of its leaves are very marked and those are identified as being quite long.To all that we must add that they germinate in about ten to twenty days, that they must be kept exposed to the sun and that their irrigation has to be frequent, specifically every three days.

When a person applies gel or other product to make their hair stand still, it is said that a crest is made.The members of the punk movement, to name a case, they usually wear crests.

For the orography and the geology , on the other hand, the crests are the summits of a mountain with penasques or various rock formations.

Among the most well-known ridges of this type in Spain, we can highlight the well-known Devil's Crest, which is considered one of the most abrupt and complicated of all that exist in the Pyrenees area.Passionate about climbing and mountaineering They have this place as a reference when it comes to enjoying those sports that they like so much.

Another meaning of the concept of crest is linked to the upper part of the waves , which usually has foam.In this case, the idea is also used symbolically to name that or that which is at the top of success or popularity.For example: “This singer is on the crest of the wave: every time she offers a concert, the towns run out in a few hours ", " Everyone wants to hire the Belgian footballer since he is on the crest of the wave ".

To all the above, we cannot help adding that too There is an expression that is “being on the crest of the wave.” In a popular way it is used to refer to someone being in a good moment.An example would be: “The Morat group is on the crest of the wave.”
