Definition of distance - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Of the Latin distantia , the distance is the space path or the time period that separates two events or things.It is about the proximity or distance that exists between objects or events.For example: "Marta's house is four blocks away" , "Do not worry, we will be separated by a very short distance ”, “ The next service station is at a distance of more than fifty kilometers ”.

Science has different ways of considering the notion of distance.For mathematics , the distance between two points of a two-dimensional plane is equivalent to the length of the segment of the line by which they are joined.In a more complex (non-Euclidean) space ), distance is the shortest path that can be found between the two points.

Three-dimensional video games, for example, often use different subtraction techniques The processor works when an object is at a certain distance from the camera and cannot be seen carefully.One of them is known as Mipmapping, and consists of using images of different levels of detail.

In the field of physics , it is known as distance to the scalar magnitude that can be reflected in units of time or length.

The concept of distance is also used in everyday language.Distance can be the obvious difference between different things : “There is a great distance between Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo: the Argentine makes play the team, while the Portuguese is individualistic ”, “ In terms of specifications and performance, there is a great distance between these two computers ”.

The distance, on the other hand, is the apartment or the detachment between the people : “I regret that it was generated this distance between us, because I still think of you ", " I want to put distance with Lisa since it's hurting me ", " The distance arose after Ano's fight New ”.

Within this same context, it is difficult to judge when two people are distant, since it is a subjective issue that depends on many factors, such as culture, the personality of each one and the type of parenting they have received.There are families where the hug is common currency, a connector that articulates every day and that represents a small but great gesture that helps to express how important the others are for one.There are others for which shaking hands is the greatest example of physical contact they have known.

If we interview a person from each of these theoretical families, what would be his conception about emotional distance? What would you consider as a show of affection, or contempt? Needless to say, the answers would be very different from each other.Besides, it is not common for someone to take pride in admitting that they have a very distant and cold relationship with their parents and siblings; if it is, on the other hand, that when hearing about how wonderful friendship is between two people some disagree, pointing out that in reality it is a superficial and circumstantial relationship, since when contrasting it with the notions themselves, the result does not match what was stated by the other.

The repercussions of the aforementioned conceptual differences are considerable.In many cases, a person who has been mistreated in his childhood by his family manages to take a certain distance, to heal and be able to lead a life more consistent with his needs , and what he receives from his parents is misunderstanding and reproach, demonstrating that they are not really aware of the damage they have caused him or that his perception of the facts is different from that of his son at a worrying level.
