Meaning of Stomatology (What is it, Concept and Definition)

What is Stomatology:

Stomatology is a branch of medicine that practices the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the mouth and its structures .

Stomatology derives from the Greek stoma which means mouth or oral cavity.

Stomatology studies the anatomy and physiology of:

  • the stomatognathic apparatus: set of organs and tissues of the buccal area such as teeth, periodontium, temporomandibular joints and their neuromuscular system,
  • the structures of the oral cavity: tongue, palate, oral mucosa and salivary glands, and
  • other oral anatomical structures: lips, tonsils and oropharynx.

Stomatology is a specialization of medicine that involves the following specializations:

  • Oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Endodontics
  • Pathology and oral medicine
  • Peridoncia
  • Oral and maxillofacial radiography
  • Rehabili oral status

Today, stomatology and orthodontics are studied together in universities, despite the fact that there are more complicated medical procedures that can only be treated with exclusive knowledge of medicine of stomatology.

See also Medicine.

Difference between stomatology and orthodontics

The difference between stomatology and orthodontics lies in their area of ​​knowledge and treatment.Orthodontics derives from the Greek odonto that means teeth, while stomatology studies the entire oral apparatus and its diseases.

Forensic stomatology

Forensic stomatology, also called forensic dentistry, is the application of anatomical knowledge of the mouth and its structures for the identification of cadavers especially in disasters that make facial recognition impossible.
