What is the Lingual System? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

The lingual system is an innovative technique for orthodontics also called incognita orthodontics, in which it is developed by implanting the brackets on the inner face of the teeth, which gives that characteristic of "incognito", since they are not visible at the first sight of the human eye; This treatment does not have contraindications, that is, it can be applied in any patient with any dental condition, it does not have restrictions when implementing it; This system also decreases exponentially the oral lesions generated by traditional fixed devices or brackets, therefore there are less injuries when speaking, kissing or mastifying.

It can be mentioned also that the lingual system makes an aesthetic contribution, since being on the back of the teeth prevents the changes generated in the facial aspect of the patient .Similarly The lingual system exerts a powerful action to make the necessary corrections in the patient's mouth, as if using the common braces ; its use is very comfortable this is influenced at the adhesion site, as these are applied on the back of the teeth its structure tends to be thinner to avoid injury or friction with the underside of the lingual musculature (tongue).

These devices tend to be more precise when changing the location of the teeth , which exponentially reduces the time needed to application, thus optimizing the results in the patient.Like any foreign object in the oral area , when applying the lingual system a period of adaptation must be met, this period ranges from 2 or 3 weeks after implantation where the patient may present some difficulty in articulating or emitting words, however after this period the comfort presented by the patient is much greater with respect to traditional brackets.

Due to the precision that is required when applying these devices, specialized studies are needed, generally the orthodontists who practice this therapeutic methodology have been granted magister specifically in orthopedics and dentofacial orthodontics .
