What is Polucion? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

Pollution is defined as a type of pollution that can affect water, land or air , this is mainly caused by the various activities that man performs in economic matters, the which usually gives rise to large amounts of waste that at some point would become an uncontrollable problem, especially when such wastes are very difficult to biodegrade to a point that their degradation can take decades.For this reason in recent years, the Man has given himself the task of creating alternatives that are more friendly with the industrial environment, since the speed with which he develops pollution is very worrying.

What characterizes pollution is the way in which it causes serious changes is the environment, due to the introduction of an external and highly polluting agent, which can be of different types and have characteristics which can n vary too.In general, the pollution is the responsibility of human beings and their various industrial activities which can leave serious damage to the ecosystem.A clear example of pollution can be seen in the oil industry , which is responsible for emitting a large number of toxic gases into the atmosphere, also affecting the adjacent areas of the pollution epicenter, generating health problems for all beings alive that are found there.

The soil is undoubtedly one of the elements that is mostly affected by pollution, which can be generated by various factors but therefore In general, it is the chemical products that have the greatest responsibility, examples of this are the pesticides used for the eradication of pests in the various crops, another factor that generates soil pollution is the large garbage dumps , since with him time the mixture of a large number of elements that come into contact with the ground, will end up generating some type of damage .In part, water is affected to a large extent due to the various drains that are used to transport industry wastes, which end up in rivers, lake and seas, affecting both the flora and the fauna and consequently to human beings, since such water cannot be consumed nor the animals that inhabit it.
