Definition of nuance - What it is, Meaning and Concept
The concept of hue has several uses.The first meaning recognized by the Spanish Royal Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary refers to a feature that is not too noticeable but that confers a certain character to something.
The notion is often used to mention the variations or degrees that an element can exhibit.For example: "Since the Cordoba was appointed president, the body has a different nuance" , "A defeat always causes discomfort, although there are nuances that they can make it less painful ”, “ The manager informed us that we will maintain the commercial strategy of the last months, but with a nuance regarding the price policy ”.
Tint, on the other hand, is a quality in the property of a color .It is linked to the description of a stimulus, focusing on characteristics that can be qualitatively appreciated from the various wavelengths.
Also called hue or tone , the hue allows you to differentiate a color according to its saturation or its luminosity .The color green, to name a case, may have different nuances and be light green, dark green, olive green, emerald green, etc.
In the field of music , the idea of nuance refers to the levels of time or intensity with which a composition is executed.A optic nuance is associated with the speed of interpretation of a work.The indication is usually made with Italian terminology through terms such as adage, moderation or allegretto.
A dynamic nuance , meanwhile, is one that relates to the intensity of the sound : from soft to strong, or from piano to forte according to the Italian language.From these classifications, graduations are appealed as pianissimo and fortissimo, among others.
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