Meaning of freedom of expression

Freedom of expression is one of the fundamental rights of democracy.It is one of the human rights by which people can express their opinions freely without being disturbed because of them.Freedom of expression includes freedom of the press, that is, the possibility of spreading your ideas by any means of expression without limits or borders.

Freedom of expression is a universal right , that all people in the world should enjoy.We all have the right to express our opinions and express our ideas freely and without interference, as established by the constitutions of all democratic systems in the world.

Freedom of expression is defined as the possibility of exposing uncensored ideas of any kind, and is a right proclaimed in antiquity by philosophers such as Rousseau and Voltaire.

The right to freedom of The expression is established as such in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and it is UNESCO that has the mandate to promote it along with the freedom of the press, its corollary.

That is to say that the only agency of the United Nations System that has the leadership to monitor, defend, promote and advocate freedom of expression is UNESCO.

An essential component of a democratic system is the pluralism and independence of the mass media .They are topics of debate involved in the concept of freedom of expression issues such as:

  • The regulation of the media for the promotion and protection of human rights

  • The regulation of the means that are in line with international standards

  • Digital utilities

  • Internet and freedom of expression

  • The regulation of the official advertising guideline

In 1993, it was proclaimed on May 3 as the day of press freedom throughout the world, by the General Assembly of the United Nations and by recommendation The only limit to freedom of expression is when it harms another or violates their rights or reputation.
