Meaning of Longanimity (What is, Concept and Definition)
What is Longanimity:
Longanimity refers to constancy, patience and strength of mind in the face of adverse life situations .
The word, as such, comes from the Latin longanimĭtas , longanimitātis , which in turn is composed of the Latin longus , which means 'long', and animus , which translates' soul; we could translate it as 'long suffering'.
Show long-suffering, then, who is capable of enduring with patience and perseverance sufferings and difficulties without weakening in his mood.Longanimity has who, although he does not feel comfortable with his work, is able to value it and keep it until you find a better one.
See also Patience.
Long-suffering also refers to kindness and generosity, well in behavior, well in the ideas .Thus, long-suffering shows a person who is in solidarity with the other, especially when he is facing adversities.
Long-term, also is considered one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit .It is related to the ability of believers in the Christian faith to remain faithful and constant to the Lord despite the difficulties, obstacles or trials that arise throughout life.
See also Perseverance.
Longanimity in the Bible
According to the Christian doctrine embodied in the biblical texts, long-suffering is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.It implies patience, fortitude and strength to face the adversities, provocations or trials to which we are exposed throughout our lives.
In the long term, trust in the Lord and his designs is implied, the faith that, despite the difficult times we may go through, bitterness or difficulties, and our own weaknesses as human beings, we must persist, be equanimous and have faith in the plan of God.
Long-suffering, then, also implies a certain degree of stubbornness and perseverance, from which it is also considered as a virtue of courage.
It is warned in Galatas (5: 19-23) of the selfish tendencies of human nature, such as jealousy, anger or envy, and it is explained below that before this, the way to face it is through the fruits of the Holy Spirit, such as love, joy, l to peace, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance and, especially, long-suffering.
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