Meaning of Haters - What it is, Definition and Concept

The term haters has adopted great popularity in recent times with the height of virtual life.As is often the case with many words that are incorporated into everyday vocabulary, it is an English term.word haters is the plural of hater , a noun that is translated as a hater .

Within the internet, Haters are those individuals who express themselves within the platform with hostility .They usually act on social networks such as Twitter or Facebook, but they also do it on other sites such as forums, blogs and chats.


Haters are characterized by systematically following those people or topics for which they feel contempt. They are usually very offensive with their comments .

What are the main objectives of the haters?

While any issue published on the internet can become a target for haters, there are certain common preferences. haters tend to create controversy regarding current issues , for example.If it is a sensitive issue, there is never one or more haters who express themselves with hate in the comments.

Another of the weaknesses of the haters are the famous or public figures .In this case, the haters use teasing and derogatory comments.In many cases, they fall into defamation of the person in question.This is intended to discredit the individual, although they also attack the fans of that individual.

The formula "Haters gonna hate" perfectly sums up the spirit of the haters.

As the main objective of the haters is to attack what they hate, any excuse is good, from religious practices , through musical tastes until political affinities .The haters do not stop following what they do not like, on the contrary, they are pending to express their hatred.This often implies racism, elitism, aporophobia and even gender violence.

Are haters and trolls the same?

It is common for the term troll to be used as a synonym for hater to designate those people who insult, defame and offend on the web.But the truth is that although they have some similarity, is not of the same and differ essentially from each other .

The troll is a person who sees a post and comments something unpleasant without measuring consequences and with the sole purpose of appearing and highlighting. He has no particular interest in debating or observing the reactions he generates , it can be said that it does so to bother only.

Instead the hater is convinced of the veracity of his statements and resorts to any type of aggressions to justify his point of view.These people insist on humiliating, refuting and degrading what they do not They like it.They feel special pleasure in achieving their mission, examples of this are the cases of cyberbullying.

The key to dealing with haters

As we said before, the very purpose of the hater is to hate and make this hate public.The only way to combat this type of aggression is to ignore them.Knowing that the objective of the haters is to generate discomfort and humiliation and that they feed of the reactions they generate, it is best not to pay attention to them .
