Definition of new age - What is it, Meaning and Concept

It is known as new age (or new era , in our language ) to a spiritual and cultural movement with multiple expressions.Its name is linked to the Age of Aquarius , an astrological era.

For astrology , an era equals some 25,776 years , which is the time it takes for the Earth axis arc to move thirty degrees.There are those who think that humanity is already living the Age of Aquarius , while others argue that such an era has not yet arrived.

The new age movement claims that the Age of Aquarius (the "new era" ) will bring well-being and peace to the human being.If the violence and wars associated with the Age of Pisces remain behind.

According to the new age, this astronomical particularity influences the people .In this context, the followers of this current develop from pseudoscientific practices to mythological or religious cults, combining different philosophical ideas and ideologies.In this cocktail enter the alternative medicines , the esotericism and occultism , for example.

Although it lacks a concrete doctrine and an organization, the new age movement usually promotes astrology , divination and other actions far from science and the reason .It tends to reinterpret the precepts of the best known religions and introduces elements linked to spiritualism .

meditation , acupuncture , reiki and tarot are also part of the scope of the new age.There are gurus and thinkers who are usually mentioned as leaders or promoters of this movement.

In the field of music , finally, the genre is called new age whose compositions are often used for meditation, in yoga classes or in massage sessions.These are melodies that point to favor relaxation .
