Meaning of Burnout (What is it, Concept and Definition)

What is Burnout:

The burnout is an anglicism that can be translated as "burned worker syndrome".It is used in the area of ​​health to refer to a disorder of emotional origin, with psychological and physical implications, caused by high levels of prolonged stress in the work environment.

It is also known as professional wear syndrome, worn worker syndrome, burn syndrome, among others.

The burnout syndrome was first described in 1969 by psychologist HB Bradley while conducting a study on best practices in correctional facilities for juvenile offenders, and described it as a psychosocial phenomenon suffered by police.

In 1974, Herbert Freudenberger extended the notion of burnout and the transfer to the workplace, ensuring that work overload causes, among other symptoms, feeling of exhaustion and dissatisfaction.

Six years later , I would publish a book entitled The High Cost of High Achievement , which would become a reference on the syndrome.

Causes of burnout

In general terms, the causes of burnout are related to a state of chronic stress, often caused by excessive work responsibilities, or by conditions of uncertainty in the work environment.Other triggers can be:

  • Low labor expectations generated by the absence of growth possibilities within the company.
  • Hostile work dynamics promoted by lack of companionship, communication failures, etc.
  • Repetitive work routines.
  • Professional and/or personal isolation, which results in a lack of social support.
  • Incompatibility between the values ​​of the company and that of the worker, this causes an adaptation to certain norms or principles that are not compared rten and that in the long term can generate discomfort.

All of the above can generate a series of psychosomatic symptoms that wear out the worker and have a direct impact on their performance.

Characteristics of the burnout

syndrome From the 1980s onwards, the first deep studies on burnout were carried out, after which three dimensions were established for the approach of the syndrome: emotional exhaustion, mental detachment from the work performed (or from the workplace) and a decrease in personal accomplishment.

These three edges of the syndrome can manifest in various symptoms, among which physical discomforts, such as headaches, stand out.or upset stomach, decreased personal and professional performance and, in the most severe cases, anhedonia (partial or total absence of enjoyment) and depression.

Although the burnout is not reduced to a particular work area, if a greater propen has been detected Sion of suffering in those workers who have a high level of human interactions, such as:

  • Health professionals (doctors, nurses, therapists, counselors).
  • Public officials (social workers, police, firefighters).
  • Direct sales staff (call center employees, customer service, sellers of consumer products).
  • Workers administrative (receptionists, assistants, clerks).
  • The syndrome of burnout has also been observed in people whose professional activity has a high level of scrutiny, such as professional athletes or seniors business executives.

Burnout as a health problem

Although initially treated the worn-out worker syndrome as a social phenomenon with psychological and physical implications, today the complexity and scope of burnout is understood in the quality of life of workers.

In that sense, the World Health Organization included the burnout in its catalog of diseases and injuries known as ICD-11, where it is described as a syndrome product of the Chronic work stress, and therefore, reference should only be made to the term within a work context.

In this regard, only health personnel are trained to diagnose burnout and make relevant recommendations.

See also: Anhedonia
