Definition of abstract noun - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Words that can function as a subject in sentences are called noun .These are names that allude to beings or objects. Abstract , by their On the other hand, it is an adjective that refers to the quality that exists beyond the subject or to what is symbolic (as opposed to material or physical).

The idea of ​​ abstract noun , in this way, it is linked to the terms that allow naming objects created by thought or perceived through intelligence .It is possible, therefore, to differentiate between abstract nouns and the concrete nouns (which are responsible for naming objects that are perceived through the senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch or taste).

Un example of abstract noun is "evil" .The notion is associated with the condition of that or that is bad.Because the "malda d " is not something that can be detected through the senses, but it is a mental construction, it can be described as an abstract noun.For example: " The evil of this young man is evident in each of his actions ", " He is a man who has no evil ", " I do not think it was a joke: it was simply an evil ".

Many times abstract nouns are constructed from the addition of suffixes to a verb or an adjective.If we focus on the previous example, "evil" derives from "bad" .

In order to better understand what abstract noun means, nothing better than knowing other specifications or characteristics such as these:-They also refer to feelings, sensations and elements that have to do with our imagination.-Specifically, Faced with the so-called concrete nouns, which are what we can establish that have a tangible character, the abstracts cannot be “touched.” That is, they are only shaped by thinking, emotion, imagination…-It is usual that, when forming the nouns that concern us from verbs, adjectives or other nouns, suffixes such as “-dad” or “-encia” are used.Examples of this are humility, freedom, generosity., evil, decency, innocence...-This type of nouns are considered to be one of the five large groups in which nouns are classified.Yes, in addition to them are the concrete, common, own and the collectives.

Other of the many examples of abstract nouns are craving, ambition, banality, desire, spirituality, lust, folly, obsession or piety.

Prayers that can help us delve deeper into these types of nouns can be the following:-"The generosity of the human being sometimes has no limits".-"If there is something that defined John was his great goodness".-"Manuel's love for Carmen was truly unique".-"Isabel gave good signs of her selfishness when she did not want to share food with her friends."

The "joy" , the "faith" and the "hunger" are also abstract nouns: "Since Marita left I lost the joy" , "I have faith that everything will change" , "Hunger does not let me think clearly" .
