Confer concept - Definition
The word confer originated in the Latin word "conferre", composed of the prefix of union "with", plus the verb "ferre" that can be translated as "carry".Conferring is a transitive verb, irregular, third conjugation, synonymous with attributing, granting, granting or adjudicating something to someone or something.If it is a subject, what can be conferred may be a quality, a position, a prize, a permit, a dignity, an honor, etc.If it is a thing, it can be a capacity, quality, income, value, meaning or meaning.
Examples: “I have been conferred the high honor of being the godmother of the wedding”, “they conferred on Juan a new responsibility ”,“ I was advised that they gave my city greater relevance among those of the region ”,“ They have given this machine greater functions ”,“ the laws confer rights and obligations to the citizenship in general ”,“ Confer to a word a different meaning than usual can generate conf usiones ”,“ The humility with which you have carried out the noble action has given it greater value ”, or“ The national flag has been conferred the meaning of being a symbol of the country ”.
So far we we have referred to what is conferred by human work, but nature also makes concessions, conferring gifts and attributes, for example: "Man has the ability to reason, being a gift conferred by nature" or "Nature conferred upon each kind of a means of defense.”In Christianity, the church has the power to confer grace or the power of order to continue the work of Christ; for example, the bishop can confer sacred orders.
It can also be used as communication of orders to be fulfilled and as the treatment or examination of a matter by several people.
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