Definition of transfer - What it is, Meaning and Concept

From Latin transferens , transfer is a term linked to the verb transfer (move or send a thing from one site to another, grant a domain or a right).The term is very common in the field of trade and businesses to name the operation that involves transferring a sum of money from an account of one bank to another.

For example: "Tell Gomez that the transfer is already made" , "Until you have the transfer credited, I will not send you the packages ”, “ Martinez said he made the transfer but the money still did not arrive ”.

The mechanism of the bank transfers has changed a lot in recent years.Before that it was necessary to go to a branch of the bank and complete different forms; At present, transfers can be made directly through Internet .

It is important to underline that there are different types of transfers, if, for example, when they are made with origin and destination accounts of the same bank those are called transfers.

Specifically, we can establish that those are classified based on the geographical area in which they take place, the way of carrying out the same or the period in which it takes place.Therefore we find ourselves basically with the following typologies :

National transfers.These are those that have the same country as a scenario both in terms of sending funds and receiving and collecting them.In the case of Spain, in order to perform one of these, it is required That the payer provide a total of 20 digits, which correspond to the customer account code from whom he will receive the monetary amount in question.

International transfers.As its name indicates, these are the ones defined because both the person making it and who is the beneficiary are in different countries.The international account number (IBAN) and the bank identification code (BIC) of the financial institution from whom the payment is received are the basic data needed in Spain to be able to manage this transfer quickly and easily.

In the same way, it should be stressed that the fact of carrying out this banking operation entails the payment of a commission from the person who will carry it out to the corresponding financial entity.

For psychology , on the other hand, the transfer is the feelings that come from the past but that the individual projects on new social bonds.These affections are usually directed towards parents or other important childhood subjects, appearing in adulthood from the phenomenon of the transfer.

Psychoanalysts claim that the transfer occurs naturally, although it may be a positive transfer (affectionate feelings) or a negative transfer (feelings of rejection).

In informatics , the data transfer is the sending of digital information from one computer (computer) to another.concept to name the download of information from a server: "I was downloading a movie but the data transfer was interrupted" .
