Definition of curator - What is it, Meaning and Concept
A police station is a police unit whose head is a commissioner .Also called police station , it It is a building where the police institution provides various services to the community.
The commissioners are distributed in the territory with the intention that their reach cover the entire surface area.Generally, the territories are divided into districts , each of which has a commissioner.Each commissioner has the obligation to guarantee the safety of her district, performing tasks of prevention but also acting when a crime has already been committed.
It is customary for the commissioners to have several offices .They receive complaints made by the citizens and carry out various procedures, such as document management.You can also have a interrogation room and dungeons to temporarily house people who are detained.
Suppose a person suffers a robbery in the public thoroughfare.With the intention that the authorities catch and punish those responsible, and recover what they took away, the victim approaches the commissioner to make the corresponding complaint, which results in the beginning of an investigation.
A police officer, on the other hand, can catch a man who was trying to break a door to enter a commercial premises, allegedly for robbery purposes.The police detain the subject and transfer him to the police station, where the offender is housed in a dungeon until a judge decides what to do with him.
As an institution, the curator is an element of great importance for literature, television and cinema, since a myriad of stories revolve around it or are placed almost exclusively in its dependencies.Police novels They enjoy a lot of popularity worldwide, partly because they can combine action scenes with a look at the personal life of the police, exploring their weaknesses, frustrations and fears, to build characters with which the public can easily identify.Perhaps the main attraction of the curator is that it is not the most visited building in everyday life, and that gives it a certain degree of mystery.
Water Commissioner
In the Iberian Peninsula we find the Tajo hydrographic basin , the territory that drains the homonymous river to the west, with its mouth in Lisbon.For the management of the Spanish waters of this basin, it was created in the year 1926 the Hydrographic Confederation of the Tagus , and of this organism the Water Commissioner is part.
The functions of the Water Commissioner are many, as can be seen below :
* propose the granting of authorizations and concessions that refer to the channels and the waters of the public water domain, as well as the establishment of modulations, boundaries and servitude;
* inspect and monitor the works that derive from the authorizations and concessions mentioned in the previous point;
* take over the census of wastewater discharges, the catalog of private and the registry of waters in general;
* closely monitor any exploitation of public waters, regardless of the legal regime that hosts it or its ownership;
* process the files to establish user communities and approve their ordinances and regulations , and also those referring to all the incidents that may take place there;
* carry out studies of hydrology, gauging and other issues related to the water regime;
* analyze and control the state of the waters, as well as propose quality programs and communicate the data obtained to the authorities health when they need them;
* direct river nursery services;
* work constantly to preserve the channels public.
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