Meaning of Pentecost - What it is, Definition and Concept

Pentecostes is a religious holiday that is celebrated 50 days after Easter Sunday closing the Easter period, according to religion or country this day is commemorated in different ways.

Pentecost is celebrated in both the Jewish and Christian religions although its meaning is not the same and the use of different calendars does not coincide in date, but in its base.

The day of Pentecost in the Christian religions ends the Easter period and is a holiday with a sacred character in which they celebrate special ceremonies according to the branch of Christianity.

Pentecost Sunday marks the end of the Easter period in Christianity

In Pentecostes the New Testament states that the Holy Spirit spoke with the apostles of Jesus Christ , which appears in the fifth book of that testament called Acts of the Apostles

In the Judaism Pentecostes commemorates the appearance of God before Moses on Mount Sinai , at which time the Commandments that form the Torah are delivered, the text that contains the foundations and teachings of this semitic religion.

The Jewish Pentecost falls 50 days after the Hebrews escape from Egypt , so it is celebrated 7 weeks after the second day of Pesach, which in the West we know as the Jewish Passover.

The mass celebration of Pentecost began only in the fourth century AD , although there are previous historical records on the commemoration of the date, one of the most important sacred days of Christianity.

This day is always Sunday although at different dates of the year , which is why it is called Pentecost Sunday, to know what its date will be every year a formula created by Emperor Constantine is used on Big anus 325 AD

Pentecostes commemorates the foundation of the Christian religion by the apostles of Jesus who, after the visit of the Holy Spirit, go out to spread their word to different parts of the world.

Pentecost is celebrated differently according to the branch of Christianity , Catholics live a special liturgy being the third most important holiday of that religion, while in the Evangelical Churches there is not so much ceremony.

The word Pentecostes comes from the Greek pentecoste which means fiftieth , that is, day 50 if it is counted from 1.From the Greek to Latin, language used by Christian religions since its inception.

In the Judaism it is called Shavuot , being a holiday that is also known as the Feast of the weeks or Firstfruits Day, among others, also coinciding with the beginning of the harvest season in the northern hemisphere, which could explain its date.

Examples of use of Pentecost

  • On Sunday morning I will go to the Pentecostes liturgy

  • Pentecost marks the birth of Christianity

  • Pentecost is a Christian and Jewish religious holiday

Synonyms of Pentecost

day 50, Shavuot, festival of the weeks, Time of the Delivery of our Torah, Day of the firstfruits
