Definition of direct current - What it is, Meaning and Concept
Before entering fully into the establishment of the meaning of the term direct current, we will discover the etymological origin of the two words that give it its name:-Current derives from Latin, specifically “curren, currentis” that can be translated as “He who runs.” It is the result of the sum of two clearly defined components: the verb “currere”, which means “run”, and the suffix “-nte”, which is used to indicate “agent”.-Continuous also derives from Latin, in its case of “continuus”, which can be translated as “that lasts without interruption.” It was formed from the sum of three elements: the prefix “con-”, which is synonymous with “together”; the verb "tenere", which means "to retain", and the suffix "-uo".
The direct current is called the electric current that , while flowing, it retains the same meaning.In this way it differs from the alternating current , which periodically changes its direction.
It should be noted that the electric current is the flow of charges by a conductor (a material that, due to its characteristics, facilitates the passage of electricity ).Electric charge, meanwhile, is a physical property that have particles such as electrons and protons, manifested by the forces of attraction and rejection between them.
When the flow of electric current through a conductor does not change direction, it is a direct current.This means that, beyond the time that passes, the direction of the flow of the current does not vary: electric charges always flow in the same direction.
It is important to note that direct current (abbreviated as CC by its acronym, or as DC by the English expression direct current ) is not necessarily constant in terms of its intensity .An electric battery discharges and loses intensity, even when it has direct current because it retains the same polarity.
With the direct current, in short, the subatomic particles always move in the same direction, from the positive pole to the negative pole.If you want to transform the alternating current into direct current, you can appeal to the element known as rectifier , which can be full-wave or half-wave.
In general, equipment that uses direct current does not have protection against a polarity modification, so it is essential to respect the positive and negative pole when batteries or batteries are used , for example.
Other data of interest on direct current are the following:-It can also be referred to as galvanic current.-The first commercial electrical network, developed by Thomas Edison at the end of the 19th century, It was known that he used what is direct current.-The transformation of direct current into alternating current is really complex but not vice versa.-As a rule, direct current is used in applications where a low voltage is needed.This can happen , for example, in systems where the energy is produced by photovoltaic cells and even batteries.-At present, unlike centuries, in the transport networks what is most used is alternating current due to the advantages that it brings with I follow.
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