Definition of sample space - What it is, Meaning and Concept

The concept of space (word originating in the Latin spatium ) refers to the area that manages to contain the existing matter, the capacity of a territory or the portion that occupies a sensitive object.The term has fifteen meanings recognized by the dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE) .

Sample , meanwhile, it is what belongs or is related to a sample (as the part that is extracted from a set is known by some method that allows it to be considered as representative of this).A sample is also an evidence, demonstration, proof or sign of something.

sample space (also known as sampling space ) means the group of all specific results that can be obtained after a random character experiment .Each of its components is defined as sample points or simply samples .

To cite a case by way concrete example: if the test is based on throwing a dice, the sample space will be constituted by the sample points identified as the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 , since those are the possible results of the action of throwing the dice.Therefore, it can be established that the sample space of the experiment is U={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} .

It should be noted that, in certain cases, the experiments may have two or more possible sample spaces.The experiment of taking a card from a Spanish deck, for example, has a sampling space composed of the numbers and another sample space formed by the sticks.The most complete description, then, should include both values ​​(number and stick) on a Cartesian axis.

Sample spaces can be classified as discrete (when the number of elementary events is finite or countable) or continuous (in cases where the number of basic events it has infinite character and, therefore, it is impossible to count).

Given its statistical nature, this concept is used in various situations related to marketing, for example, when designing a new product, or a version of an existing one, it is necessary to carry out a demographic projection to anticipate its potential impact in the market; Within these studies, it is sought to group consumers into sets labeled by gender, age and other properties, depending on the company and the product itself.This analysis has a minimum of two parts: one that takes place before launch and another which happens later, to contrast reality with the expected numbers.

In the same way, candidates for political positions often rely on the sample spaces during election times to try to anticipate the results of the voting, looking especially for the population sector who is least interested in your proposal; Based on the analysis and having decided rationally to which possible table to pay more attention, they prepare their electoral strategies.As with the launch of a product on the market, it is necessary to check the advances with the actual facts to modify any decision that has led the bell astray.

In programming, the sample spaces can have many purposes, as well as forms.One of its implementations consists of studying a limited series of events or events that can take place in the supposed case of a collision between two objects (which can be characters or inanimate elements).Within the same informatic context, this concept is usually associated with the term "special case", which refers to a situation not very common but that can occur and that it is necessary to anticipate and decide the appropriate procedure to to attend to it.During the development of a program it is necessary to repeatedly review the potential results of the execution of the code to minimize the number of errors.
