Asexuality: Concept, Reproduction and Pansexuality

We explain to you what asexuality is and how this type of reproduction is carried out.Also, in which a pansexual is characterized.

Asexual living beings are able to divide on their own.

What is asexuality?

It is known as asexuality or as asexual character , to individuals who show no interest in sexual relations or reproduction , under any type of conditions.

The term comes from biology, in which living beings are distinguished from sexual and asexual reproduction: the former require the collaboration of another living being of the same species but opposite genus; while the second can be divided on their own .

Thus, asexual expression has been borrowed to indicate human behavior that seems not to be interested in sexual union with others individuals, neither of their gender, nor of their kind even. They are simply not interested in sex .

Asexuality has nothing to do with social abstinence commitments, such as the celibacy of priests of certain religions, since these individuals feel sexual desire, but choose to suppress or not satisfy it.Asexual people completely lack such desire.

Similarly, asexuality should not be confused with homosexuality, with bisexuality or other gender identities or sexual orientations.Asexual people usually live their lives without any interest in sex or for the erotic , and in fact in contemporary times they have been organized in communities such as the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN; Network of Visibility and Education of Asexuals) endowed with their own symbols, such as the flag of asexuality (horizontal stripes of equal size and black, gray, white and purple).

See also: Intersexual.

Asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction, as we explained earlier, is a term of biological use to refer to a mode of generation of new individuals of the species, from a single individual .a method used by plants, bacteria and numerous primitive beings, whose weakness is to perpetuate the genetic load of the individual (gestate clones) instead of varying it with that of another individual, as in sexual reproduction.

Cellular mitosis is a perfect example of this: a bacterium grows to the limit necessary to double its genetic structures and divide into two, creating two new and identical bacteria.The human being, as will be seen, is incapable of such a process , since its reproduction is only sexual.


Pansexual means people who are sexually or sexually attracted to other people without paying attention to their gender and/or sex .It should not be confused with bisexuality, which designates people with an erotic predilection marked by a gender, but not entirely exclusive.

Pansexuals constitute a group difficult to categorize within the movements for sexodiversity , although they have chosen their own identity symbols (the pansexual flag has three horizontal stripes of equal size: pink, yellow and blue).The ideology of gender behind pansexuality points to the overcoming of heterosexual-homosexual duality, and the free, autonomous manifestation of erotic desire without making such distinctions.
