Costume definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept

The costume is called the wardrobe that allows to hide the identity .Who wears a costume does so with the intention of not being recognized.example: "I will attend the morning party with a Batman costume" , "The criminals who entered the bank used clown costumes" , "Juan, ¿ it's you? I didn't recognize you with that costume ”.

Costumes can have different features .Many times they include masks , masks , makeup or other elements to modify or hide the physiognomy of people's faces.In other cases, they are limited to clothing that the subject wears to give life to some character.

Precisely in this regard we have to highlight a long list of fictional characters who resort to the use of a costume to take another identity, hide their usual appearance and become a superhero.This would be the case of figures such as the Young photographer Peter Parker who disguises himself to be Spiderman, of the journalist Clark Kent who happens to become Superman when he puts on a costume or of the billionaire businessman Bruce Wayne who happens to be Batman.

In the same way, within the world of Spanish comic we cannot ignore the figure of Mortadelo, it is a fun character from the “Mortadelo and Filemon” saga.He is a secret agent of the TIA (Research Technicians Aeroterraquea) that uses the costumes to camouflage and go unnoticed in the different missions in which it participates.

Of course, it should not be overlooked that criminals can also resort to the use of costumes to commit their misdeeds, so it is common for many bank robbers to disguise themselves to hide their identity when assaulting a banking entity.

And that is something that has been reflected in a multitude of movies and series that have revolved around robberies.So, for example, in the Spanish television series "The House of Paper" shows that a group of men and Women who are going to steal at the Coin Factory and Doorbell hide their appearance wearing a red operator jumpsuit and a mask that resembles the face of the painter Salvador Dali.

It is called costume party to the one whose premise is that all guests attend in disguise.In this context, the concealment of the identity is not essential, but what more important is to surprise with the costume.Sometimes even the most original or fun costumes are rewarded.

Certain popular celebrations also revolve around costumes.On Halloween Night , children dress up to order treats. Carnivals usually celebrate with masks and, sometimes, with certain costumes.

In the sport professional, it is common for pets to exist: characters that a subject interprets using a costume. NBA franchises feature pets that entertain the public before games and in times of death.One of the most famous is the gorilla of the Phoenix Suns .

The idea of disguise, finally, can be used symbolically to name what makes it possible to hide an intention : “The sympathy of the young man was only a disguise to gain the trust of the women whom he later abused ”, “ Behind the disguise of solidarity businessman hides a man who does not respect the rights of workers ”.
