The term Zoologia comes from the Greek, zoon which means «animal» and logos «study».As well as the etymology of its word he tells us, it is the science that studies the animal world , one of the great components of all living beings.Zoology can be described as a series of efforts to analyze and classify the animals.Classification attempts have been known since 400 BC, through the works of Hippocrates.However, it was Aristoteles, who in his work « History Natural» carried out the first rationalization of the animal kingdom, addressing issues such as sexuality , growth and adaptation.
What is Zoology
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It is understood that Zoology is a science dedicated to the study of animals .Professionals called zoologists are responsible for the biological taxonomy of and all animal species (both extinct and existing).
The definition of Zoology indicates that the origin of this term comes from the Greek "zoon" which means "live animal" and "logos" which means "study de ».
On the other hand, the concept of Zoology also indicates that the main objectives of this is the analysis of the anatomical and morphological description of the different animal species : their development , its reproduction, distribution and behavior.
The definition of Zoology also summarizes, that this is responsible for all the common and generic features that animals have before continuing with a taxonomic description.
For its part, the taxonomy covers the tabulation and systematic exploration of events related to the recognition of all extinct and existing species of animals and their distribution over time and space.
The importance of Zoology in the world
What is Zoology and s of vital importance worldwide, since through it you can thoroughly study the way of life , functioning, reproduction, behavior, embryology and classification Taxonomy of animals.
Thus, the main field studied by Zoology is the anatomical and morphological description of all the different types of animal species that exist.
In general, What Zoologia means is very important because it helps human beings to understand and study deeply everything related to animals, which are as important in the world as humans do and for that reason they deserve all the attention of man.
Branches of Zoology
In the concept of Zoology there are several branches that are in charge of the different physiognomies of animals , Among the branches of Zoology are;
Malacologia (the study of mollusks)
The malacology is the branch of Zoology that is responsible for the analysis of the mollusks , in the same way, there is a part of the malacology called “conquiliologia”, which is responsible for the analysis of shell molluscs The areas of malacology research involve taxonomy, paleontology, ecology and evolution.The knowledge of this branch is used in medical, agricultural and veterinary applications.
Malacology helps study and to the knowledge of biodiversity, through a list of mollusc specimens and their analysis.
The observation of mollusks can be used in environmental impact investigations, and that these could be managed as bioindicators of the chemical, physical and biological conditions of the environment, and therefore allow the discovery of deflector factors of their balance.
Entomology (the study of insects)
It is said that Zoology Entomological is the scientific analysis of insects .It is estimated that around 1.3 million species studied, insects make up more than a quarter of all known living things and also have an extensive history fossil, since its birth dates back to the geological period of the Paleozoic era, about 400 years ago.They have different ways of interacting with man and other lifestyles on the planet; it is this way that entomology is integrated as a specialty of the utmost importance within Zoology.
Entomology often includes the analysis of other arthropods, such as crustaceans, arachnids and myriapods , despite the fact that this extension is technically wrong.
Ichthyology (fish)
Ichthyology is an extension of Zoology that is destined to the study of fish .This includes the condrict (cartilaginous fish, such as tilled and shark), the osteictios (bony fish) and the agnatos (fish without jaw).It is estimated that there are approximately 32,709 detailed species, however, 250 new species are officially described each year.The complexity of the distribution lies in the wide variety that they have achieved during the development process and the feasibility of human beings to the aquatic environment.this ichthyology is responsible for behavior and biology of fish.
Herpetology (amphibians and reptiles)
Herpetology is the branch of Zoology that is in charge of studying amphibians as toads, frogs, Cecilias, salamanders and reptiles such as alligators, crocodiles, turtles, snakes, lizards and amphisbaenas.
It should be noted that the analysis of amphibians is very useful when knowing the state of the environment , since they are quite sensitive to alterations of ecosystems, especially pollution, in some part their main development originates in aquatic environments, usually little temporary or extensive.
Ornithology (Birds )
Ornithology is the science of biology that is responsible for the study of birds , analyzing everything about them: their habits, how they are classified, their structure, their song and flight.
The land is inhabited by more than ten thousand species of birds .Because of the great diversity, beauty and colors that exist in birds, there are a large number of people who practice ornithology, and it is these who promote the protection and conservation of the environment in which birds live.
The word ornithology is an expression of Greek origin "ornithos" that means "birds" and "logos" that means "science." Evolution or development is a fundamental point in this study, which includes bird species that failed to survive changes climactic, commonly known as fossils.
Mammalogy (mammals)
Mammalogy or mastozoology, also known as teriology, is the discipline dedicated to researching and analyzing mammals On the planet there are approximately 4,200 species of animals that are considered mammals.The main sciences that integrate mammalogy belong to taxonomy, natural history, physiology, anatomy and ethology.At the same time, within the mast There are sub-sciences such as chiropterology, ketology and primatology.
Carcinology (crustaceans)
Carcinology is a branch of zoology that studies crustaceans .People dedicated to the study of carcinology are called carcinologists.Crustaceans play a fundamental role in both ecology and economics, so they are among the most analyzed invertebrates.
Paleontology or study of fossils
Paleontology is the science that is responsible for the study of fossils , which is part of natural studies and which shares various methods with geology and biology.
Among the main objectives of their research is the origin and evolution of living beings , the reconstruction of living beings already extinct, the relationship between them and the environment, as was the development of extinction and fossilization of the remains.
Although paleontology is especially responsible for investigating fossils, it should also be taken into account that one of the most important branches studied by Zoology is taphonomy, which is dedicated to the study and analysis of processes to through which these fossils are formed.In the same way he investigates diagenesis, which is related to decomposition and sedimentation.
Study Zoology
The career in medicine Zoo veterinarian is obtained at through residency matters , not undergraduate subjects.People interested in working with exotic animals start a resistance plan in veterinary zoology after obtaining a doctor's degree in veterinary medicine .
All aspiring veterinarians must complete doctoral studies in veterinary medicine and obtain a license.There are no institutes that offer postgraduate degrees in DVM (Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine) that specialize exclusively in medicine Zoology .
Rather, applicants who want to attend exotic animals must complete a regular DVM program and subsequently enroll in a veterinary Zoology medicine resident at a certified institute.The usual grade areas they include: the management of animals in captivity, the clinical treatment of wild animals both in the zoo environment, and in their natural habitats, as well as the study of preservation on wildlife.
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