Definition of anaerobic potency - What it is, Meaning and Concept
In order to begin to analyze the meaning of the term anaerobic potency, it is first necessary to know the etymological origin of the two words that compose it:-Potence derives from the Latin “potentia”, which can be translated as “quality of the one with the power "And that is the result of the sum of three elements: the verb" posse ", which means" power "; the particle "-nt-", which indicates "agent"; and the suffix "-ia", which is synonymous with "quality".-Anaerobic, meanwhile, emanates from the Greek and is formed by the following parts: the prefix "an-", which is synonymous with "without"; "Aero", which can be translated as "air"; "Bio", which means "life"; and the suffix "-ikos", which is used to indicate "related to...".
Anaerobic is an adjective linked to the anaerobiosis (the life that develops in an environment that lacks oxygen ).The anaerobic, therefore, is associated with a lack of this vital chemical element.
It is known as anaerobic exercise to that physical activity of reduced duration but great intensity , in which the metabolism of the muscles does not appeal to oxygen in the exchange of energy .With this in mind, we can indicate that anaerobic power is the power of the human being to execute an intense and brief physical activity.
This ability is associated with the speed that the person can reach and the resistance of his muscles.A subject with good anaerobic power can complete physical activities that involve a wide intensity in a few seconds.
The intensity of the exercises is usually measured according to the beats per minute that the athlete records.When those beats are more than 170 per minute, the exercise will be qualified as intense and will require the person to have an anaerobic power adequate to support it.
Specifically, we can say that anaerobic power is related to what is muscle power, muscular endurance and also speed.And when exercises are performed based on what athletes achieve is to strengthen the different muscles , more than burning fat.
Athletes who carry out the discipline of artistic gymnastics are very good examples of people doing exercises related to anaerobic power.
In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as lactic anaerobic training that is based on the realization of intense efforts carried out in a range of 20 to 120 seconds.
Aerobic power, on the other hand, is related to the organic capacity to complete exercises that extend for at least three minutes and have a medium or low intensity.An example of aerobic exercise is Jogging: the individual, while doing it, has the possibility to inhale and fill his lungs with oxygen.In contrast, while performing an anaerobic activity (such as an abdominal), this cannot be done.
It can be said, in short, that anaerobic potency shows the resistance of the organism to develop an effort with a reduced amount of oxygen.
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