Measurement definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept
The first step that we are going to take when analyzing in depth the term measure that concerns us now is to proceed to determine its etymological origin.In this sense, we have to underline that it emanates from Latin and more exactly from the verb metiri , which can be translated as "measure".
Measure is the action and effect of measuring (compare a quantity with your unit or something not material with something else; moderate the actions or words).It can therefore be the result of a measurement .For example: "The table has a measure Eighty centimeters long by fifty centimeters wide ”, “ I love this piece of furniture but, because of its measurements, I don't think it enters my kitchen ”, “ Please, take the measure of that table to see how much we have to cut ”.
In this sense, we can measure, for example, the size of an object or the distance between two points.That will mean that we have to use the units of measurement that are standardized, among the most significant, according to the International System of Units (SIU), would be the kilometer, the meter, the centimeter, the millimeter...
However, there are other units to determine the time, mass, temperature or light intensity.
In this field of mathematics and science in general we would have to add the existence of what is known as Theory of Measurement.It is a study or analysis that revolves around what are the functions, statistics or the probability.
But the term measured within the scope of Literature is also used.In this case, it comes to refer to the action that is carried out with the clear objective of dictating the number of syllables that the verse of a poem has.
Precisely in this area literature we would have to underline the existence of a very significant work that was made by the great British writer William Shakespeare.We are referring to “Measure by measure.” It is a comedy that addresses issues such as power, strong moral standards or sexuality.
A measure can also be a provision , a regulation or a decision : "The government measure has disgusted the businessmen ”, “ The mayor plans to decree a measure to regulate the work of street vendors ”, “ The boss informed me of the measure: I don't share it, but I must abide by it ” .
The correspondence of something with something else is another meaning of the concept: "We will lower the medication as the infection recedes" , "As After the training, the team will present a better performance ”, “ The work is paid as we receive the shipments ”.
Measurement can be, on the other hand, the degree or intensity of something : "I do not understand to what extent this hurts us" , "We would have to analyze what is the director's measure to make such a decision ”.
sanity , moderation or prudence in the behavior or in the expression it is also known as a measure: “The victim was very nervous, but she showed herself in her public statements and assured that she would wait for the justice decision ", " The player spoke with measure, trying to avoid the controversy ".
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